Today is Sunday and it currently It is a very sunny morning in Quito. Right now I am sipping on free coffee from the Vibes Hostel and 80's rock is echoing from behind the backpacker's bar. This particular living space has brightly colored walls and a decent lounge for relaxing after a day of studying.
After arriving last Monday night the week has been filled with language classes, salsa classes, and meeting some really interesting people. Wednesday was the first day of what looks like 3-4 weeks of personal Spanish classes at the Simon Bolivar Language School with a friendly Ecuadorian named Zulma. So far the experience has been interesting and Friday we talked for two hours about our opinions of Hip-Hip and our mutual dislike for Jennifer Lopez. The process has been really challenging but also good fun. The school arranges student activities outside of the classroom which is nice because it provides opportunities to make new friends. On Thursday the school celebrated it's 18th anniversary and after cutting a cake we all boarded a Chivas party bus and joyrided for a couple hours with loud Latin music blaring and people passing around servings of spiked cider. The school is almost entirely filled with Germans and people with Eastern European dialects.
Since arriving the week has also been consumed with personal Salsa lessons with a lady named Fernanda and its been very fun but extremely hard. Hopefully after a few weeks I won't look like a gringo on the dance floor and next Wednesday a few people at the school will go Salsa at a local bar.
Yesterday some Germans from the hostel and myself took an hour long bus ride to Otavalo which hosts a huge market each Saturday. Anything from necklaces to goats could be bought at a reasonable price. Today will be a walking day through parts of Quito's historical Old Town. I hope everyone is doing well! More updates soon!
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